Word Whispereer

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Last Words Written

Now can you imagine writing your final chapter? When epitaphic thoughts came out of nowhere... Written by a black sheep before the final dawn...My personal battle with writing and feeling blocked...

A Poem by Harlon Rivers

Did you always believe time would go on forever?
Spending it like endless fool's gold
There would always be enough time for rewrites
To go back and edit what and where life went wrong

Now you can imagine writing your final chapter...
Did you ever imagine you’d ever write that last closing song?
After epitaphic thoughts came out of nowhere
Leaving the feeling of being a black sheep left out of the fold

Here and now silent reflections, of penning that final ending poem, are written
Is it really darkest before the dawn?
In the final hour will the truth finally expose itself?
Exhaling ultimate peace as the last words spoken fall onto the paper 
With the amazing grace of an eternal song

At the end of the day did the flow really matter?
Was it hard to find that final everlasting phrase?
All of a sudden did you realize?
It was only a fleeting fantasy moment out of the circle of life 
before the final setting sun

In the end do you still feel insignificant?
Did you receive the understanding you felt you deserved?
As your words fell short of expressing unexplainable emotions
Did the words move mystic mountains or only a vision in your rear-view mirror?

Had you already vanished but your soul just wouldn’t let you go?
Stop trying to see a mirage and just walk away from an ambiguous dream
Understanding the missing moments were a vague yet precious notion
Lost hope finally ended the day

There was a conscious moment that it all seemed so crystal-clear
Definite was only ego’s mind made illusion’s word
At a time when it felt like that long awaited moment
Someday, finally actually belonging somewhere, was here

Life's ebb and flow marks the tides of change
The ocean's mirror reflects the slack tide of the vast sea's flood of currents pause 
Reality in motion flows in new directions
Now that a full circle ends to begin again

Into the light at the end of the journey
Into the dark night at the end of the day
Will the last breathe of the lonely writer ever be remembered?
When the curtain falls on the last act of the final play…

© 2012 Harlon Rivers 


Harlon Rivers said...

For anyone who has every tried to write creatively of even letter, ad copy, really all things words and thoughts...Sometimes I reach a point in time where it feels like wasted effort until the winds of change finally blow allowing one to feel the change in the air.

Anonymous said...

The winds of change blow in your favor in August to start your New Year off. You are an inspiration to every life that passes you path. Keep up the great whispers!