This poem goes back a few months to a volunteer opportunity at a homeless shelter...
I went home that night after it was over very emotionally moved and tried to record the experience the way I saw it through my " two eyes"...
Just because it is not a major holiday it is always time to advocate for the homeless who all need a compassionate helping hand and anything the more fortunate can spare. A friend works for human services and reminded me about a problem that never seems to go away and has worsened in the difficult times many face. Thanks for reading.
Two Eyes
Two eyes search out from darkness
red whites, black and blue, brown iris, hazel green
Two eyes squint at brightness lost
From a place light is rarely routine
Two eyes look out from hopelessness
helplessly hoping, numbed and ill at ease
The hollow stare of loneliness
reflecting time spent down on your own two
Four eyes meet in fleeting glances
through the windows of two shy souls
Two eyes magnified by thick lenses
Four eyes flickers magnify two souls.
Two eyes seek out life’s meanings
asking the many tough questions why
Two eyes stare out from empty silence
holding back two eyes welled up by teardrops cry
When two hearts are lost and broken
two eyes cry tear drops in the rain
Two eyes grieve as love passed by
life will never be the same
Two eyes center two dark circles
the bull’s eyes tell tale soul
Two lashes blink and signal
a twinkle dullness glow
Two eyes vividness whispers
lit up by hopeful souls
Two eyes wept in silence
where emotions tear drops unfold
Two blind eyes gaze at dark mysteries
with their candles burning bright
Two crystal clear eyes clarify miseries
if one could only see dim light
Two eyes reached out from darkness
Two eyes now mirror burning candles light
Two eyes tear drops dry while quietness
hopes of four eyes glow in burning candle bright
When two eyes are lost and lonely
two eyes are better than none
With eyes wide open shine on… reflect the candles light
that’s what all eyes are born to do…Shine on bright…
© 2012 Harlon Rivers
© 2012 Harlon Rivers
the truth is always in the eyes.. and easily seen if one looks with the heart.. your words always move me to look..
Thank you olla...There is so much truth to what you are saying. During the moments described it was one of the first times in my life where I realized the eyes really do allow a 2 way connection between the mutual energy of hearts and souls. There is so much revealed when the barriers come down.
I have looked into your eyes with my eyes. I have put my heart near your heart.
Pope John XXIII
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