Word Whispereer

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Yes ... only love can break your heart

Thoughts ring poignantly conscious ,
bestirred amongst the warm summer breeze
brimming over with crickets ' thrumming
seasaw chirrup

Unintentional expectations
seep into the rhythmic sounds ,
unplanned thoughts lingering
like misunderstood life residue

Forgotten or dismissed ,
as if an abandoned vagabond aimlessly adrift
lost on a misbegotten voyage ,
upon a wanton heart’s stormy seas

Alas , weep not within tender heart
for even the simple beauty of perfect bloom
ripening metamorphosis
as seasons do change

Behold .., suddenly taken aback
by a lighter moments frolic
in the brimful breeze ,
giving up their whimsical offerings
in a moment of need

Black capped chickadees
line the rustic grey stone pool
three & twenty wide
free to giggle and splash ,.. turn the tide

Nuthatch flock chatters upside down
the gnarly Oak’s mossy bark
bringing a needed reality back
into this solaced moment’s gravity ;

Their whimsical chit chat
rings sweetly
as if it were children laughing

Descry the conscious moment ;
the way I’m meant to be
knowing all that is wanted
is to feel like I am whole again

Yes ... only love can break your heart
Yet only the spirit nature’s higher love
bequeaths a pathway to healing ...

© harlon rivers ... August 29 , 2014

authors note: 

This is a poem where the moment was just scribbled out in a conscious ramble... some freestyle poetry just goes where it wants to go...free to be what it is ... I can be who I am , livin’ in the heart of the country

It can be amazing how powerfully nature can evoke a metamorphosis of perspective in meditative moments…
turning mien 180 degrees from introspective muddled thoughts into outrospective presence.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

There’s a kind of hush

There’s a kind of hush strewn
by the dawn’s wafting mist
upon the crystalline dew dampened stillness
Steller's Blue Jay's raspy cackle
hawks haughtily
in-between cracked acorn subsistence
Ancient Oaks' stoic scaffolding
bears the weight
the waning summer daybreak sky

Upper sanctuary branches lichen crossroads
squirrels highway to higher fir crowns
Circadian rhythms astir amongst the hazel brush;
instinctively feeling more than noticing
the subtle diminishing daylight hours
Gleaning the lazy summer’s
ripen nuts and seeds ;
repurposing to fuel the change of season’s
evolving tasks

An inherent sense of urgency hastens pace ,
scurrying hearts restlessness harvesting ,
dropping unripened green pine cones ;
recurring ' kerr-thuds ' breaking silence
as if the awakening sky were falling
onto the dried fir brow needle montage below

Destination --- secret stashes
well hidden pantries tucked away
Gathering fruition , for they know not
the paper artifacts adorning walls
nor, where hangs the calendar
of human measure

It is a natural continuum rhythm ,
encircling the universal currents’ synergy
that courses the symmetry ;
nature’s realms sway
to a sublime harmony ,
another revolving circle passing ,
another ring in the ancient Oak’s wood ,
yielding to a higher law's amity
of amazing grace . . .

harlon rivers ... August 20, 2014

Call of the Wild ... Encircling Pinnacles

© harlon rivers photo

Call of the Wild ... Encircling Pinnacles

Nomadic Canadian Geese chevrons circle
beneath the drifting
billowy inshore marine flow
Bulbous orange grey
meringue clouds
meander just above
the distant coastal sunset horizon
Their honking call of the wild ,
their clannish vagabond demur squabble ,
an undeniable visual vanguard
. . . seasons change
no longer presupposed , . .

Resident Red Tailed Hawk glides
and drafts gracefully
below the sky borne ruckus
Seemingly an annoying intrusion
by the flat land temporaries
discoursing arouse ;
interrupting his serene flight
Stealing away waning summer glides
uplifted by a soothing warm currents peace
Floating high above native habitat
seasoned stick latticed roost ;
hallowed home perched
on the pinnacle
majestic old growth wood . . .

© harlon rivers ...August 2014

Monday, August 18, 2014

The Dawning of the Day

The dawning of the day ...

Shadows of darkness speak in hushed dialects
Thoughts drip from tongue’s  stillness
with the silence of a whisper ;

osmosis forms dimly back-lit word whispers ,
heart’s avowals adrift , float in the ether currents' sigh
amidst the early morn's dappled thrown shadows

Enkindled embers of hope’s silent reverie
smoldering  in yesternight's
satchel of leftover dreams

Open palms behold a fragile heart in hands
awaiting daybreak’s kiss ;    

the spinning world becalmed ,
a seized moment's tranquility ........

Forever beginning verve quietly astir ,
incarnates the dawning of the day

Ethereal silence answers more questions than words
Colour of anticipation inflames spirit’s sunrise sky ...

Harlon Rivers ... © February 24th, 2014

Friday, August 15, 2014

Evanescent ; when you don’t matter

EVANESCENT ; when you don’t matter

If a falling star
kisses ocean’s wild vastitude  ,
does anybody see the impact's circling  aftermath 
as the rippled waves continuum evanesce (?!)

That fleeting moment when the sea
imbibes the gravity of another setting sun ,
surrendering to the yield
the bending horizon (?!)

Will anyone grasp
a simple deep moment's
transcendence ,
illusion of grandeur (?)

What is the sound
a breaking heart's exhale ,
but a muted whisper breathed
in the silence of the torn (?!)

Can restless silence discern
an empath’s pang ,
behold the solace of a forlorn
callous ache of indifference (?!)

Circles turn ,
seasons pass ,
blind eyes turn away the forgotten ,
" out of site out of mind "

Does anyone heed the hushed ache
of hidden swallowed lumps in throat ,
sorrowful longing ,
lonely dampened inaudible sighs ;

Will anybody hear
the bold expanse of silence (?!)

Authors note : EVANESCENT : 
passing out of sight; fading away; vanishing . . .

© harlon rivers

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

It’s okay to change your mind

There’s ne'er a need to suavely vanish
run out of space for petal's flower
loving is a risk
touching souls sublime
imbibe it ;
breathe it out
unleash it
swill love's elixir
steep gifts unconditionally endowed
. . . it’s okay to change your mind

Arise from fear
slip this skin ,
the unseen chain that binds ,
the unplanned passing of love
prevailing winds of change
dishevel  souls
how restless bestirred regrets impose ,
caught between all you wish for ,
lamenting all you need
. . . it’s okay to change your mind

Lying on a soothing bed of buttercups
passion burns like the moonbeams
in our eyes
goose bumps veiled by dappled moonlight
shards of moonbeams
caress warm shivering flesh delights , . .
instead of finding your bliss
let your bliss find you
. . . it’s okay to change your mind

Love is a refuge ;
respite from the cold 
and lonely nights
do you still favour me from time to time?
the sounds the passing of love lingers 
in the forever stained silence
of my misunderstood world
the quieter you've become
the more I hear your ether tides

Love ne'er wants to be
a weight borne
seasons do change
we crave what goes away 
as changing contentment's wane
. . . it’s still okay to change your mind

© harlon rivers . . . August 2014

Monday, August 4, 2014

Veritable Quandary

We can wait a lifetime
and never be certain
never taking that first step
that leads to a journey
of a thousand miles

arm’s length stands
just a step away…
Suspended with bated breath
at the daunting crossroad’s cusp

the sun yawns and vanishes,
stealing away the unused shine
abandoning its thrown shadows
yielding to the repose of night

aspect bemoans atrophy
love is the opposite of fear

the trepidation of failure
weighs heavy on the threshold,
knowing all the while,
without stepping through,
life is just a step away…

© Harlon Rivers