Word Whispereer

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Biting the Storm’s Tail

a poem by Harlon Rivers

Biting the Storm’s Tail

blusterous winds humbled the hilltop wilderness
sharp shards of heavy rain pelted the flinching earth
the vicious storm raged through the raucous fall atmosphere,
hurling downpour’s sheets of black sky from all directions
the uninvited silence of the owls speaks deafening volumes
nature’s voices are drown by the nighttime fury,
silent estrangement from the ordinary
… present moments…
shelter shook, walls rattled to the stud’s grounded foundation
testing the resolve of the reclusive wooden asylum
sleep eluded solace as the storm was...
watch the thinker toss and turn with the howling wind,
examine the darkness, view the night
this storm is without stillness…
turmoil ruminates through the scribed pages of dreams
sleeping revelations stirred by rumination
are thoughtfully uttered onto imaginings of paper
…at dawn…
broken branches chronicle the traumatic events
a tan sheet of watermark paper lies blank on the night stand
a broken tipped pencil on top of a wrinkled tablet page
hard day’s nights come and go… tempest dreams fade into light
silent reverie,
too deep for words,
is better dreamt than written…

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Tears Upon Fall

...a poem by Harlon Rivers

...tears upon fall

the storm’s pearl gray sky
drips teardrops every way..
here and now
daylight fades,
inch by inch,
south of the puddles left behind..
focusing on the illusion of time
only muddies
the storm’s lucid liquid cries..

a moment overflowing
forms a river of tears
flowing past traces
of what once was now..
ashes turning into dust,
carried away
as the storm’s possession..
crossing muddy waters
without baggage
contemplative thoughts
pondering mind made measures
of time and distance

the world 
mystically turns
tides ebb and flow
a journey is motion..
once cast afloat awakening
...voyage through the sea of being,
even unchanneled purpose
will always lead to the traces 
of some other storm’s
puddled shorelines...

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Flight of the Red Breasted Robin...

The Mountain Ash grove is always a fascinating spectacle in the fall…After watching for several days…recording the thoughts, mentally painting the picture for a sit down at the table, in the window with a pen and paper  tablet.   Today was the day for a 30 minute stream of natural consciousness in this narrative prose poem about a reoccurring seasonal fascination with the American Robin’s cycle of life…When I stop to ponder the irony, actually our circle of life is just as round…
 …a narrative prose poem by  © 2012 Harlon Rivers 

Hops and jumps are blurry motion across  the dewy meadow floor,
as the dawn brushes away the sandman’s magic
from the corner of sleepy eyes.
A sudden hazy yet abrupt stop…
A hasty, halting, motionless freeze...
Stillness, as if some final destination had been reached…
Neck stretched and craning,
Tilted with an eye to mother earth.
With a focus beyond interruption.
In the blink of an eye, 
In a motion too rapid to capture,
the nowness of motion, flashes.  
She stretches the earthworm with the grasp of subsistence
knowing after fall comes the long winter.

The morning sun illuminates the glow of the Native Maple’s
glorious orange and yellow color palette.  
A steady stream of activity rushes in and out
of the giant tree’s golden splendor.
Abundance perishes with the seasonal gardens decay. 
Mornings of blueberry and strawberry feasts
have left the red breasted robbers foraging
for the last rotting apples the deer have left behind.

Harbingers of spring…
Blueberry sneakers…
Gleaners of fall and winter..

“Teeek”  “tuk” “tuk” “Tseep” fills the overhead air
The flock returns repeatedly to and from the towering Maple
to the ripened cornucopia of berry clusters of the Mountain Ash.
The Robin’s flock ravage and gorge on the plentiful delights.
Soon the crimson berries fuel of flight will disappear
as if it were only an illusion of the passing seasons.
The pearl gray sky is an ominous backdrop for the fickle fleeting migrants.
Daylight fades as the flock disappears into a break in the clouds
of the ominous pending winter sky…

In the blink of an eye...life’s seasons transform
The stormy whirling winds of change
carry the golden leave’s splendor across the rolling vista.
The naked rooted scaffold’s branches stretch
across the sprawling tapestry of the wooded sanctuary.
Winter flocks of Thrush and Robins, arrive on a frosty new dawn
Red breast feathers puff with the morning sun’s rays,
warming the tree tops leaning toward the southern sky.
Their journey here and now,
from distant mountainous horizons,
is part of this soul’s circle of life…

~Harlon Rivers October 23rd, 2012~

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Quietly Exhaled Reflections

"Accepting the fat with lean or the hot with the cold attains symmetry...harmonic continuum, impassioned by moments of wholehearted living."

A Poem by Harlon Rivers

The quiet reflection of the unidentified pathway,
can reveal defining moments of truth…
Drifting with the wind until motivation to explore
new direction inspires movement. 

Our natural instincts, 
at enigmatic crossroads,
are often the best direction to follow
Intuitions... are birthed within the soul…

A chance taken,  at an unexpected moment
on our journey,   while the gentle breeze is inhaled 
and savored,   the gift of awareness
manifests as inner amorous peace. 

A solitude where every breath of that gentle breeze
of connectedness inhaled, 
transforms the outer world’s natural beauty
Love blossoms into balance of heart and soul,
unity of inner spiritual presence.

Breath,  illuminating a hunger and thirst to be loved 
For who are we if not love abundant beings?
A mere hollow shadow
A non-living lifeless form.
Without love, there is not glowing, 
radiant outward appearance  
Only lifeless shallow
unsustainable existence

Appearing in a cracked and foggy window pane,
the light filters through the cracks 
but the mirrored echo is dull,
listless light,   reflecting little in return.
Accepting the fat with lean or the hot with the cold
attains symmetry balanced by a harmonic continuum,
Impassioned by conscious moments
of wholehearted living

Intoxicating effervescence…

Feeling alive…

Worthy to breathe in"inspiration" …

Exhale "mindfulness"...

Engaged in every precocious moment lived
...totally aware of the possibilities of each and every
invigorating breath...
Exhilarating love filled fresh air
to energize lethargic complacency
Exhaling purpose of being...

Replenishing the gifts of love given,
Accepted graciously
in an unexpected moment
of awareness
igniting a  hopefulness... revitalizing love.....

Budding wholeheartedness, blooming, flourishing
life’s absolute  blossoming entirety
At last realizing that I'm standing 
on the threshold
of dreams coming true… 

© 2012 Harlon Rivers 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Actions Louder Than Words

The sounds of elasticity breaking silence, can resemble the first foot steps of walking on.  Anyone who has a heart knows what will be will be…When you think you have it all? You have it all to loose…

A Poem by Harlon Rivers

Lost expectations
in the formative years  
cast faceless impressions
of difficult new beginnings
into detailed icons, perched 
upon the chess board's maze
of a lifetime.

Faded indelible words
were read out loud,
found within and in-between
"someday’s" lines.
Once banished by the fears of a jury of peers
for rumored emotional turbulence;
eternally, invisibly tattooed
on the outside of a mind made mask.
Branded and scared 
by the poignant white hot iron
of embedded, once forgotten, fears. 

Anyone who has a heart
knows what will be will be…
When you think
you have it all?
You have it all to loose…

What matters can be found
scattered among the nature 
of the deepest and truest words,
interwoven within the lines’ 
written expressions of the heart’s 
myriad of complex compassionate sentiments.
Impassioned spirit
adorns the essence
of kindred hearts and souls.

Volumes of evocative
poetic descriptions sketch,
define and implement
hopeful deeds of kindness
Verbs only written and never acted on
can fade, over time, 
as if they were
evaporating tear drops 
Actual essence moves
dimensions of thoughts
miles of space…

Words left unspoken
only tentatively exist
while traveling
this journey of miles…
Reflections of unspoken thoughts
are carried as baggage
Silenced within insecure moments, 
trepidation plagues motion
Words emotionally summoned,
yet left unspoken,
vanish like dust in the wind.

Inaction is silenced 
by intuition and survival instincts
Their inspiration is the pulse 
of a deeply rooted belief. 
An eternal purpose for tolerance and endurance... 

Actions stir emotions of the heart and soul…
The sound of resilience... breaking silence
The first foot steps forward... 
Walking on another mile,
in well seasoned shoes. 
Sustaining vigor for a newly found hope
Rekindled verve for the long journey of a lifetime...

© 2012 Harlon Rivers 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Too Late to be Freed

There is no stopping life's changing seasons ...   There is no stopping autumn leaves from falling down...

It’s never too late to feel heartbroken
Even when you thought you would never feel your heart again

You’re never immune from being completely mistaken
You won’t be amused if amazement turns into pain 

For a fleeting moment love seemed like a vivid shared emotion
Things too good to be true are rarely defined as they seem

The longer you've been here doesn't make you any wiser
Love makes us less cautious while throwing caution to the wind

The fall from the mountain tops on the far distant horizon
 Still renders you hopeless looking up from the ground on your knees

There comes a time when there is no more time for starting over
Never wanting to climb that long road back towards heaven again 

It's never too late to feel your heart pounding loudly in the silent night
Releasing  a cleansing river of tears like the stormy winter rains 

I've been asking and searching for the answers to ambiguous questions
The more unanswered questions the harder the breathtaking fall

Sometimes we don’t want to arrive at the final destination
Knowing when you are nearby, there is no starting over again.

Its never too late to tell someone you love them.... you need them
Even knowing in a final poignant moment, they’ll set you free…

Goodbye my love...

Thank you for visiting The Word Whisperer…

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Silent Isolation

"weep not for the memories as the sounds of silence echo through the emerging darkness"

Silent Isolation

a moot brick or two fell
from the tower walls
breaking the silent blurry eyed stare
of traumatic internal regret.
the mortar dried quietly 
on the rebuilt castle walls 

the border line mote
was long, deep and wide,
filled with unknown hazards.
it buffered the boundaries
as the framing of the perimeter maze
now stood tall and guarded

solid walls encased
a private refuge.
the permanent garrison
fortified confidence
that nothing ventured
was the better gain

the sounds of the darkness fell silent...
walls of fortresses
can be built silently
as long as no one is listening.
silent thoughts can be
seen when not heard by those who care to look

words written in silence
can be read out loud
thoughts written in darkness 
 are rarely understood
the blind can hear silence
even the deaf can feel
weary words written sincerely

is there more than one universal silence?
walk a silent walk
write an unspoken talk
sing an unsung song
spoken love hushed falls silent
love must breathe deeply or silently suffocate...

when words proclaiming
love are left unsaid,
are the thoughts and
feelings muted ?
unvoiced emotion fills the void
where love once thrived

listen to the whispers sing
they only speak to the stillness of a silent heart.
whispering quietly
nonverbal sentiments
moaned softly, 
were never intended to be soundless

the sounds of a breaking heart echoes
off the tall resurrected tower walls,
breaking the stillness with a roar, 
exhaling a deep sigh into the silent air.
wiping the dried mortar from two quiet hands
withdrawing into isolation's solitude...

Authors note:
If there is any interest in why this poem was written just follow the link to the side bar called

 Diary of the Falling Dominoes
Thank you for visiting The Word Whisperer…

Monday, October 1, 2012

Introverted Confessions

Diary of the Falling Dominoes...

There are times when the dominoes begin to fall and there just is no stopping them...There are events that set inertia into motion...reasons why energy in motion stays in motion are less definable to a common wheel like me.  Maybe the dominoes were already beginning to tip, or the way they were grounded became eroded by the forces of true nature.   Vertigo does feel like a tipping domino right before the big fall ... I just didn't imagine they would all fall down right now!  We never do...That there would be no stopping the fall until the bottom of the familiar rabbit hole became bed rock bottom.   

Introverted Confessions...Broken Dominoes

a poem by Harlon Rivers

Sometimes you just have to wonder
how you could be so wrong about yourself
How could the way we are perceived by others
be such a stark contrast to how we see ourselves?
I always thought I was very conscious and sensitive
in my premonition of others feelings
Something learned by walking barefooted miles on rocky ground

My true nature is opting to instinctively protect
highly sensitive individuals that I love for just being 
Those like I, who have been rejected as a scapegoat of fear
Apparently, adorning too many misunderstood emotions
Or not enough glitzy over confidence that seems a teasing elixir
Extending  open arms to shelter a lost and lonely soul
seems like such natural act of compassion
Opening a lighted pathway into a warm and empathic moments respite

Perhaps those life long intentions were only an illusion,
A selfish effort to find a way to feel a sense of belonging
Somehow along the way my own intuitive instincts
must have become incoherent to me
Mistaken by what seemed to be transparent reflections
in the mirror eclipsing the vivid book of my mind

Dejected self loathing fists shattered the lucid mirror in frustration
The broken reflection became blinding in the lurid light of truth
The cracked splintered mirror pieces that remain
now illuminate ambiguous disappointment
Only reflecting the shattered, opaque casting
of a dark unrecognizable image of what once was
Obscure and vague refraction's penetrate deep within
the hollow uprooted dark shadow of who I thought I was…

Author's notes:

Falling dominoes are capable of unraveling a life tapestry as if one  interwoven thread that bonds all others was tugged at just the right moment when all stars were aligned in the universe. You wouldn't know it by looking at a domino, with "vertigo eyes" or not...
One step forward and two steps back.  I am spinning like emotional dust in a dark tempest storm, no longer influenced by gravity, no longer in control of my destiny.  When dominoes fall in darkness does anybody see?  If you keep coming here you will see that somebody feels what is only metaphorically seen...You will see the introspective "Diary of the Falling Dominoes" document the unraveling tapestry of an illusion of a life once transparent evolving into a form opaque as dominoes...

I  This journey and subject needs to be brought into the light...If we cannot be loved as is because of our imperfections, I am willing to personally sacrifice my privacy in an attempt to advocate for others unable to speak up out of darkness.   So that others who suffer may find hope though others compassion and understanding.  Life is a long road with many twists, turns and bumps in the road.  Nothing is inevitable...

Follow the falling dominoes to the right top sidebar where the conversation will continue over time...Thank you for reading.
