Word Whispereer

Friday, April 13, 2018

Thinking Out Loud ............. A Creative's Opinion : The importance of a readers personal experience with poetry and prose ...

The relevance of a readers own experience with poetry and prose is just as important as the authors. Creativity flows through a writer like an echo passing through a conduit from end to end; a soul's vehicle from point A to point B, thoughts burgeoning from the wellspring of the soul striving to capture the passion of a moment as it unfolds. 

As both warp and weft of the fabric of a greater tapestry, we must allow ourselves to consider and perceive at an intimately personal level. Only as sentient unique humans can poetry manifest thoughtful personal connectedness at an emotional level. That is why, from a writer perspective, I rarely speak publicly about meaning from pen in hand or as a writer-reader which evolves over time, manifesting in other layers of meaning within our own offerings…to allow readers to consider their own life story evoked.

A reader---peruser of literary art, bears the encounter as it is in the beholder's moment; your own human experience curating one’s own intimate experience with art…

How’s that for sky blue sky ideals and creative visions of grandeur (?)! Seriously though, Thank you for reading and hopefully unveiling what a piece of creative writing means, personally to you ...

                                                      harlon rivers

Friday, April 6, 2018

Silence rivers through it ...

Silence rivers through it ...

A moment recurring
does wash away
like a river rock
The smooth surface
of an eroded stone
is just as hard
as the abraded silence
that rivers
through loneliness

Sometimes terrified
of this foolish
blue moon heart;
of its constant
for whatever
it is it wants;
the way it stops
and starts ,..
like a revenant whisper
smoldering embers
of fallen stars
buried deeply
in the catacombs
of an unrequited heart

out of reach,
just a step away,
but close enough
to touch the crumbs
of some other's love
bestrewn sanguinely
marking the footprints
calling down
an unshorn pathway
never  found

At a deserted crossroads,
many a moon
tiptoe past
unnoticed fallen stars 
stagnate lightless
in a flash of darkness,
moving back in time
just standing still

© harlon rivers ... 31st  March  2018