Relationships end in may ways and most aren't good for someone on the losing end if the connections were once meaningful...It's a stark and painful reminder of when things go wrong...It doesn't really matter why when you're emotionally vested...What matters is finding the strength to move on when life can be forever changed...
Trust Stolen by Lust
a poem by Harlon Rivers
Seasons buried emotions leaving them
petrified like wood beneath
the terrestrial floor of a ancient forest,
turning the remains cold and hard as stone
Disconnected and obscured underneath
the depths of repressed disenchanted darkness
Time passed slowly while the scorned
dusty neglected remains of a perfect love’s
illusions seemed as misunderstood
as hopeless, fading delusions of unrequited love.
Flameless flickers of emotional abandon
lay in the wake of a heart-breaker ,
when the last traces of recognizable love
faded in the night like a falling star
Lightening sparks, in plain sight,
ignited a new love’s sizzling wildfire of lust
She was so callused by emotional irrelevance
that no regard was given to the painful tears
inflicted into her disregarded eyes
repressed desires can burst into flames
when the fire's smoky haze is fanned by lust
Once flaming red hot desires became neglected,
smothered, spontaneous combustion
smoldered the black ash of bitterness ;
the charcoal dust of poignant resentment
was enveloped in, surrounded by, a barren
scarred and fiery desert of mistrust.
The flash of discovery burned quickly
upon the blistering impact of a passionate embrace
Destroying a life time of dreams
of new tomorrows instantly!
A scorned lover
with third degree broken heart burns falls silent.
Sewn seeds of sincerity
reaped flammable weeds of mistrust.
A jilted heart in a vicious circle
of overwhelming, life altering, epic proportions
Rendered emotionally dazed when the thrill is gone
Paralyzed in the shadows of scorching betrayal
Getting burned by playing with fire is cliché?
Trust flamed out at infidelities first sight
The illusion of faith in a wholehearted life
vanished instantly as jealousy and remorse
fueled the flames of smoldering anxiety
A world of accepted imperfections
Incinerated as the world went up it smoke
The reality of betrayal
burns loves final embers
to the bone…
Somehow arising from the dust and ashes of disdain
So begins the task
“I must learn to____ without you now”
© 2012 Harlon Rivers 8/12/2012
Author's note: So Begins the Task is a song from Steven Stills Manassas Album
“I must learn to without you now” is a lyric line from that Stills’song that inspired this write...
Every struggle in your life has shaped you into the person you are today. Be thankful for the hard times; They can only make you stronger…
So Begins The Task... lyrics
Steven Stills author
And so begins the task
I have dreaded the coming of
For so long
I wait for the sun
To remind my body
It needs restin'
And I must learn to without you now
I must learn to give only part some how
Camping on the edge
Of your city I wait
Hoping someday
You might
Beyond yourself
The shadows on the ceiling
But not real
Like the bars that cage
You within yourself
And I must learn to without you now
I must learn to give only part some how
And I must learn to without you now
As I cannot learn to give only part some how
All of these cages
And shall be set aside
They will only
Us from the knowing
And stages
Now fall before the truth
As they love
Between us
And I must learn to without you now
As I cannot learn to give only part some how
The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning.
Ivy Baker Priest
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