Word Whispereer

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Invisible Soul

…..a poem by Harlon Rivers

An invisible soul stood watching all
Perched from a vantage point in time
Unnoticed concealed visions  
Misconceptions of conventional minds

The soul is not seen visually
Except through thoughts and deeds
Soundless actions go unrecognized
Except by those with needs

A spiritual soul is watching all          
Gifts given to infinite minds
Struggle and strive through madness
Unconscious, blinded humankind 

Perception’s bridges burning
Organized guilted forced and crammed
                       Unrevealed souls that question                       
The brotherhood of man

How can the soul be perceptible?
Vivid light murmurs… distinguishable buzz heard
               The background formless silence              
As actions speak louder than words

The form of life is fading
Light and darkness too small to see
Free choice leaves souls unguided
At journeys birth set free

An invisible soul lives guided
With direction and a path
A spiritual soul the guider
Faith, love and hope is freedom’s journeys path

Harlon Rivers...3/20/2012