Word Whispereer

Monday, June 3, 2013

"It's Only Water"...snippet 7.0

...snippets from thinking out loud

snap shots from the infinite emotive tones 

in between black and white...

snippet 7.0...
"it's only water"...

celestial bliss enshrouds
the quiet torn of the soul
terrestrial calm waters
seeking and finding its own level
~ essence ~
craving purpose to quench
an insatiable thirst,
whether the glass
is half empty or half full…
an evanescent wave
pounds the shoreline
before lapping
the rocky shoals
eroding the sands of time
evolving paragon
echoing being....

balancing tumultuous
ebb and flow

"it's only water"
"I want it washing over me"

"wash over me"...

note: an evanescent wave * tending to vanish*
inspired by a song written by a friend and musician,
Gary Ogan

...snippets from thinking out loud
to be continued

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