Word Whispereer

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Silent Isolation

"weep not for the memories as the sounds of silence echo through the emerging darkness"

Silent Isolation

a moot brick or two fell
from the tower walls
breaking the silent blurry eyed stare
of traumatic internal regret.
the mortar dried quietly 
on the rebuilt castle walls 

the border line mote
was long, deep and wide,
filled with unknown hazards.
it buffered the boundaries
as the framing of the perimeter maze
now stood tall and guarded

solid walls encased
a private refuge.
the permanent garrison
fortified confidence
that nothing ventured
was the better gain

the sounds of the darkness fell silent...
walls of fortresses
can be built silently
as long as no one is listening.
silent thoughts can be
seen when not heard by those who care to look

words written in silence
can be read out loud
thoughts written in darkness 
 are rarely understood
the blind can hear silence
even the deaf can feel
weary words written sincerely

is there more than one universal silence?
walk a silent walk
write an unspoken talk
sing an unsung song
spoken love hushed falls silent
love must breathe deeply or silently suffocate...

when words proclaiming
love are left unsaid,
are the thoughts and
feelings muted ?
unvoiced emotion fills the void
where love once thrived

listen to the whispers sing
they only speak to the stillness of a silent heart.
whispering quietly
nonverbal sentiments
moaned softly, 
were never intended to be soundless

the sounds of a breaking heart echoes
off the tall resurrected tower walls,
breaking the stillness with a roar, 
exhaling a deep sigh into the silent air.
wiping the dried mortar from two quiet hands
withdrawing into isolation's solitude...

Authors note:
If there is any interest in why this poem was written just follow the link to the side bar called

 Diary of the Falling Dominoes
Thank you for visiting The Word Whisperer…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

such a beautiful and heart wrenching work..
