Diary of the Falling Dominoes...
There are times when the dominoes begin to fall and there just is no stopping them...There are events that set inertia into motion...reasons why energy in motion stays in motion are less definable to a common wheel like me. Maybe the dominoes were already beginning to tip, or the way they were grounded became eroded by the forces of true nature. Vertigo does feel like a tipping domino right before the big fall ... I just didn't imagine they would all fall down right now! We never do...That there would be no stopping the fall until the bottom of the familiar rabbit hole became bed rock bottom.
Introverted Confessions...Broken Dominoes
a poem by Harlon Rivers
Sometimes you just have to wonder
how you could be so wrong about yourself
How could the way we are perceived by
be such a stark contrast to how we see
I always thought I was very conscious and
in my premonition of others feelings
Something learned by walking barefooted miles on rocky ground
My true nature is opting to instinctively
highly sensitive individuals that I love
for just being
Those like I, who have been rejected as a
scapegoat of fear
Apparently, adorning too many
misunderstood emotions
Or not enough glitzy over confidence that
seems a teasing elixir
Extending open arms to shelter a lost
and lonely soul
seems like such natural act of compassion
Opening a lighted pathway into a warm and
empathic moments respite
Perhaps those life long intentions were
only an illusion,
A selfish effort to find a way to feel a
sense of belonging
Somehow along the way my own intuitive
must have become incoherent to me
Mistaken by what seemed to be transparent
in the mirror eclipsing the vivid book of my
Dejected self loathing fists shattered the
lucid mirror in frustration
The broken reflection became blinding in
the lurid light of truth
The cracked splintered mirror pieces that remain
now illuminate ambiguous disappointment
Only reflecting the shattered, opaque
of a dark unrecognizable image of what once
Obscure and vague refraction's penetrate deep
the hollow uprooted dark shadow of who I
thought I was…
Author's notes:
Falling dominoes are capable of unraveling a life tapestry as if one interwoven thread that bonds all others was tugged at just the right moment when all stars were aligned in the universe. You wouldn't know it by looking at a domino, with "vertigo eyes" or not...
One step forward and two steps back. I am spinning like emotional dust in a dark tempest storm, no longer influenced by gravity, no longer in control of my destiny. When dominoes fall in darkness does anybody see? If you keep coming here you will see that somebody feels what is only metaphorically seen...You will see the introspective "Diary of the Falling Dominoes" document the unraveling tapestry of an illusion of a life once transparent evolving into a form opaque as dominoes...
I This journey and subject needs to be brought into the light...If we cannot be loved as is because of our imperfections, I am willing to personally sacrifice my privacy in an attempt to advocate for others unable to speak up out of darkness. So that others who suffer may find hope though others compassion and understanding. Life is a long road with many twists, turns and bumps in the road. Nothing is inevitable...
Follow the falling dominoes to the right top sidebar where the conversation will continue over time...Thank you for reading.
Follow the falling dominoes to the right top sidebar where the conversation will continue over time...Thank you for reading.
My Dearest Harlon... I am not faint of heart.. and I applaud your courage.. I married into a family with genetic dysfunction.. Bipolar.. Anxiety.. Depression.. all familiar companions on this journey through life.. I have tagged along with you so far.. I see no reason to turn tail and run now..
You have a beautiful, encouraging soul. What a blessing for Harlon.
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