Word Whispereer

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Suffering the Silence of Regret

The only sound breaking the silence that night was that moment a sigh of regret could be heard as the candle flickered and smoked when its light vanished for the last time....

...a poem by Harlon Rivers

There was not a distinct defining moment the day
that concluding conversation fell silent into thin air.   
At that distinct moment, a natural conclusion occurred,
as Westminster gutturally marked midnight.   
The certainty of the conclusion of a lost dream
The  final sunlight from a beautiful setting sun,
as it peacefully submerged below the distant horizon,
drowning in the ocean’s mystic presence forever.
Orange sky’s gentle breeze hushed by a merciful surrender.
Love’s twilight consumed by the cresting swells of the tempest purple sea
The white capped chop of a raucous ebbing emotional vortex
became the final crescendo, when direct light of thought,
was devoured by the watershed of darkness.
 Musical chimes melodic decay echoed and fainted 
into the deafening calm of silence’s finale.
Love song’s reveries written and sung,
would no longer be heard over the sounds of silence.
Once lost hope was smothered by the tears of the final surrender,
the tall, ornate candle now lay spent,  
like the thriving passion that had grown bitter cold.
A small formless puddle of chilled,
once molten, wax was all that remained.
The long wick’s flame drew final breath with a sigh.
Dying flickers faded slowly,
reflecting poignant memories of passionate  sharing,
like the afterglow of the love, its radiance once illuminated.
Turning loving lives into the smoke and ashes of silent regret
 Painful inharmonious silence,
had become a carcinoma within lost souls. 
Suffocating love’s final burning embers glow
Leaving two hearts once beating with one pulse
Alone together in Deafening Concluding Silence...   

© 2012 Harlon Rivers 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it is hard to loose a beloved.. regardless of the circumstances.. your beautiful words touch me as always..
