Word Whispereer

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Proverbial Walls...

Whether kept at arms length or ten thousand miles away, 

Irrelevant still feels the same...

A poem by Harlon Rivers

It’s a long way up and over that proverbial wall 

to explore the dark side of the moon

Lessons lesions left marks years ago,

still leaving the unresolved tracks of my tears.

Some things we learn so slowly

And yet pass away like the shadow of a dream

Whether kept at arms length

or ten thousand miles away,

Irrelevant still feels the same.

You saw me naked through a prism

The light of sober truth knows no refracted disguise

It cannot be blocked by disbelief’s fading light

There was a time when

being simple hearted and true blue

was something relevant to be.

But then came fallacies of blame

Remorse for misguided shame

Allowing dark imperfections to be seen.

The boundary walls

are fortified castles in the air.

The mote is deep and wide

When building bridges fail,

your tall tower walls

have got to fall some day.

While dusting off the confusion from an evaporating dream,

I feel like a lost stray dawg,

fetching a barbed wire bone.

Too hungry to know

What the illusion of love showed

Was only teasingly toying with me

Your fortress walls are a maze of protective halls

Unrequited love is a tethered ball and chain

Ignore a stray dog and it’ll disappear

Back to the solitude where sleeping dogs run free...

Don’t throw him a barbed wire bone because he’s hungry.

He’ll howl at the dark side of the broken hearted moon, when you set him free 

© 2012 Harlon Rivers 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow.. I don't think anyone that has lived very long has managed to escape Love's dark side with out a few scars.. the heart is a fickle thing often unaffected by boundaries or even walls..
