"The journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step...When we know we need to do something imperative to our well being and yet the angst of apprehension can be daunting and overwhelming."Anxiety drips from the sky onto the dusty pathway ahead
like large raindrops from a passing ominous thunder cloud
compassionately abstaining its storm's wrath
The pathway is distinct and finite and yet temptation
to turn back overwhelms when fear and doubt
intersects with conscious reasoning
As each drop plummets from the crying sky
a small cloud of dust releases a puff of haziness
rising from mother earth’s grasp
Clouding the tentative vision of what lies ahead
on this long and unknown journey
Each step forward
is accompanied by an unsettling
sense of trepidation of the familiar and unfamiliar
Faith in belief in unseen miracles,
must overcome the murkiness of doubt
for the next step to be taken
for the next step to be taken
The heart and soul are strong but the flesh is weak
Conventional wisdom predicates
that the human form is flawed, born to fail
Unseen energy of the winds of time
blow it’s dust and ashes
Infinitely about the universe
An unfinished life must discover
the strength of will to thrive
when adversity clouds passage
Just when defeat seems imminent
faith and hope must be embraced at all costs
It is said; “It’s darkest before the dawn”
As our soul journeys,
the energy of spirit from within
manifests strength and courage from uncertainty
Illuminating understanding
that life’s purpose is incomplete
The time has come
when the reluctant inner child
must now summon the spirit
of the ancient Native American Warrior
from within his heart's blended blood
Surrendering the primordial medicine man’s
mistrust in ambiguity
Evolving into a man of presence
Yielding to faith of the process,
Finding hopeful trust
in the unknown mysteries of modern medical science
Each step reluctantly taken,
yet each step is taken in a leap of faith
Their has not been growth in this life
without paying the price
Enduring sufferance
develops understanding, vigor, valor
Inspiration of thought is found in knowing
The Bald Eagle adorns a healed broken wing
Her sacred spirit would not soar above yet again
without enduring pain, suffering through
the trials and tribulations of existence
before universal energy
naturally mended her broken wing
The Bald Eagle’s splendor soars over the
the clouded dusty hazy trail below
The dust garnished melancholia sky
shall one day be lucid at last
Glistening vibrant blue
Sunny radiant heavens…
© 2012 Harlon Rivers
The poem reflects the daunting feelings of the apprehension felt before medical procedures...I'm certain others have walked in these shoes as well.
"An unfinished life must discover
the strength of will to thrive
when adversity clouds passage
Just when defeat seems imminent
faith and hope must be embraced at all costs"
"Each step reluctantly taken,
yet each step is taken in a leap of faith
Their has not been growth in this life
without paying the price
Enduring sufferance
develops understanding, vigor, valor"
You relate with great insight, and empathy the trepidation felt before medical procedure, as well as life in many ways.
Every line speaks, yet the thing that is the most inspiring is to see one that understands the different between pride, and being proud. You pen offers much wisdom. You have traveled far, and have much to be proud of. Peace ~
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