Word Whispereer

Sunday, January 25, 2015

from roots to leaves

from roots to leaves

The earth cushioned each footstep 
with the intimacy of kit gloves , 
leaving a weary heart to ponder 
whether or not there were 
even any steps ever taken at all ; 
aware these feet had walked on 
through an intangible threshold , 
well into the other side of yesterday

These eyes felt dry , closing awkwardly , 
blinded by what they've seen
Visions far beyond 
any memory of familiarity , 
senses peculiarly broadened 
for to feel an ethereal touch 
of an all-encompassing symmetry ,
from roots to leaves

Intricately touching an undiscovered life
with unobservable fronds 
entangled in all aspects of an enigmatic tapestry
Hearing nothing but 
the colloquial ether ebb and flow 
of each nourishing breath ,
feeling a tremulous motion ,
as invisible wisps of luminosity
formed an uncommon movement

The sky flowing overhead beckons focus
Rorschach clouds pass 
like fleeting abstract dreams 
of ancient horizon oases ;
visions of grandeur transcend 
beyond the familiar
at the speed of thunderhead

The rain washed away the last chance 
to see beyond the stars ;
at the time , I often thought it impossible 
to stay grounded while yearning 
to discover that enabling labyrinth to fly away 
coursing beyond something more than 
the bemused minutiae of recurring impasse , 
mindful there is nothing more to grasp
than this passing moment 

Powerless to chase fleeting dreams any farther ,
my heart's grown weary
struggling with life's incongruences , 
accepting an unearthly incarnation
rooted in the marrow of a reverent soul ...

Harlon Rivers © January 2015

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