Word Whispereer

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Beyond the Celilo Sunset ...ode to the Columbia River Gorge

Beyond the Celilo  Sunset ...

...ode to the Columbia River Gorge

Blustery gorge winds hoist the sunset
from the deep ravine's grasp ,
bear aloft its mirrored reflection
beheld from sacred river waters flow ;

ascending beyond the cragged bounds
soaring high above the elementally sculptured
steep shear rocky walls

Untamed cascading waterfalls
plummet like heaven's gifted rains
bequeathed unto ;
Where Rolls the Oregon

Ancient Celilo spirits uplifted ,
coursing through where eddies
swirl in ethereal places ...

Mana seeds scattered sublimely ,
sway across the western horizon ,
diffused like a rogue artisan’s paint
artifacts bestrewn wildly
onto blue sky’s naked canvas

Nature's vibrant colour palette
brushed with reverence
manifest an infinitely beautiful ,
hallowed masterpiece ,
grandeur cast and sown
the eventide skies tableau ;

majestic natural essence imbibed
where ocean of the universe
kisses the firmament ...

Harlon Rivers © January 2014 ...all rights reserved


The Columbia River Gorge is a stones throw from where hails this home
A few words inspired by retrospect and the recent east wind phenomena
at Crown Point, Oregon ...

122 mph Friday, 100mph sustained winds (January 24th, 2014)...
Add to that, the most beautiful recurring sunsets of a lifetime,
photpgraphed this night and recent others, yet in what is sadly now considered , 
a severe drought for Oregon...

The power of "now"....nature is a force beyond my comprehension and yet, the moment is.....
as stated in the video..."the weather always wins!"

No videos from this past Friday yet , but this day a couple weeks ago was 100 mph+

Celilo Falls, Oregon - 1956 ...retrospect

... majestic natural essence imbibed , where ocean of the universe kisses the firmament ...

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