Word Whispereer

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Oh beloved poetry ! Entrusted steward of my soul ... by harlon rivers

                                         Oh beloved poetry ! 
... entrusted steward of my soul

Oh beloved poetry !    My blessed confidant ,
entrusted steward of my soul ,
my one and only intimate friend !
You bestow a solacing comfort I cleave to ;
beheld like no other divinity ,
a cathartic salve blended
from flowing ink and mind
Together perpetually entwining
an interwoven tapestry ,
the moment’s threads entangled
in an indelible compassionate embrace ;
wholly bequeathed like an old friend’s amity ,
open palms beseechingly beckon
into a sea of ardent sanctuary ,
an asylum for to surrender
unto the arms of the soul

Therein lies a soothing acceptance
beheld in the misunderstood
colour of darkness
But cast seeds sown
from a solitary heart ,
where allusions of mighty oaks
from acorns grow
rootlets to leaves

Wherein a restless silence accords
the sweetest breath of new life
like the yearning wind song
breathlessly in search of the lost chord ,
as the winds of change
blow against the untamed tides
tirelessly singing passionately
with the one who writes
with heart on sleeve

Poetry is the endearing epitome
an unconditional loving friend
There is not judgment cast ,
as if thrown stones
upon latent unspoken poesy borne
Only a bona fide comfort in the knowing
there is no longer an inherent need
for merciful surrender
Alas ! leniency to forgive myself
for all I've become

Harlon Rivers ©January 29th, 2015

Sunday, January 25, 2015

from roots to leaves

from roots to leaves

The earth cushioned each footstep 
with the intimacy of kit gloves , 
leaving a weary heart to ponder 
whether or not there were 
even any steps ever taken at all ; 
aware these feet had walked on 
through an intangible threshold , 
well into the other side of yesterday

These eyes felt dry , closing awkwardly , 
blinded by what they've seen
Visions far beyond 
any memory of familiarity , 
senses peculiarly broadened 
for to feel an ethereal touch 
of an all-encompassing symmetry ,
from roots to leaves

Intricately touching an undiscovered life
with unobservable fronds 
entangled in all aspects of an enigmatic tapestry
Hearing nothing but 
the colloquial ether ebb and flow 
of each nourishing breath ,
feeling a tremulous motion ,
as invisible wisps of luminosity
formed an uncommon movement

The sky flowing overhead beckons focus
Rorschach clouds pass 
like fleeting abstract dreams 
of ancient horizon oases ;
visions of grandeur transcend 
beyond the familiar
at the speed of thunderhead

The rain washed away the last chance 
to see beyond the stars ;
at the time , I often thought it impossible 
to stay grounded while yearning 
to discover that enabling labyrinth to fly away 
coursing beyond something more than 
the bemused minutiae of recurring impasse , 
mindful there is nothing more to grasp
than this passing moment 

Powerless to chase fleeting dreams any farther ,
my heart's grown weary
struggling with life's incongruences , 
accepting an unearthly incarnation
rooted in the marrow of a reverent soul ...

Harlon Rivers © January 2015

Monday, January 19, 2015

the perfectly dark box

the perfectly dark box

 dare not reveal
that what fits inside
the perfectly dark box ..,
repined the dweller
by a dark stream

keep your secrets hidden
in the perfectly dark box
where a profuse ,
imposing silence ,
withers on the vine
like the last winter rose

 vestige of what once was light ,
another season
soon forgotten ,
in the perfectly dark box

 dolorous abandoned petals ,
left for dead ,
estranged remnants
entangled tendrils
of the womb of time

one day I swear .., I’ll spread my wings - -
knowing I no longer fit
   into this box I’m living in ...

  harlon rivers © January , 2015

Monday, January 5, 2015

staring up at a sky full of stars

staring up at a sky full of stars
                                                                 by harlon rivers

just a flock of birds
in the midnight sky
rhapsody beheld in dreamful eyes ,
staring up at a sky full of stars

oh !
      oh !
           sweet creation !

what a hallowed solace
enchanting near and far

wolf moon atop
the rising wintertide ,
lies low and over head ;
halo around
the winged moon’s
old yellow aglow ,
reflecting from
a higher plateau
--- upon
the snow covered fields
                      of winter

and if I had a broken wing ,
lost and forgotten
in the cold fields of winter ,
who’s to say I cannot fly away ?
for love is
the greatest healer known

                                                 rise up !
                                     rise up !
             above shadowed
winter night ,

spirit of all wind
uplift the wings 

of love and light ,
for love is
the foremost purpose bestowed ,

love is the greatest harmony sung
joyfully --- taking flight

jan 4th, 2015 © harlon rivers

that which often whispers

that which often whispers

                                          by harlon rivers

frost heaves unbuckle
the frozen earthen trail ;
an uncommon crunching
breaks the silence
of the frozen winter woodland

unshodden footprints speak
in ancient earthen timbre ,
bestowing an awakening
primordial homage
heralding enlightenment ,
as daybreak’s tangerine rays
are cast over snowcapped majestic

song sparrows thrash and scour
organic vestige awaiting repurpose ,
foraging near pathway ahead ,
scattering the broken silence
aneath the venerable trees'
lichen latticed scaffold

their glistening
moss blankets enfold
an invigorating repose ,
that which often whispers
the sounds of silence ...

harlon rivers © dec 31st, 2014

daybreak observations from the last clear,
cold and crystalline dawn walk of 2014.
an ode to natural endings, 
renewal and forever beginnings...

#life   #nature   #thoughts   #conscious-moment   #presence