Word Whispereer

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Seaside Ballet...a sensual day a the beach

Seaside Ballet...a sensual day at the beach

The fragile we are, whimsically followed the route
of the breezes' delicate perfumes.
Golden sorrows’ fair colored seaside flowers,
adorn the allure of the sand’s enchanting margins

Lust was once veiled in the shade of the driftwood shadows,
the west wind was seen erasing the sand’s secrets
aneath the indigo azure ;
where the breakers throw their cresting agua shadows
onto warm soothing sands

Crescent waves climax, unfolding their swellen pinnacles
in the restless sea breeze; the aquatic sprays stimulating
the surf’s rhythmus surges, were not enough
to sate wanton imprisoned desires rousing;
well hidden wishes flourishing of imagination’s
buds swelling for to blossom forth verve

Tongues craving to taste the unsung song’s tone,
Lips longing to stir wanting estuaries,
where waning stardust’s fleeting kisses once clasped lips;
the colour of flesh blushes, 
clutching where white hot passion flushes
a delicate halo illumine quiver’s warm euphoric shivers .

Braille goose bumps ripple tenderly
as a feather brushed against tickle,
kindling dulled light; sublime cinnamon tones flicker,
traced freckles arouse asymmetry
at the puffy apogee of heart

Evanescent the distance between
reveries & distant driftwood shoreline Swizzles
Dreams scrolled by sensual caress…
hearts drawn, fingered into flood tide moistened island sands,
passion’s exhaled breath released in her siren’s song 

Acoustic moans sung blissfully unto the awe of the sea breeze,
releasing the ballerina’s twirl; 
rhythmic crescendos trace rising wave shoals,
as the mermaid lilts with the rhythm and the sea
Came high tide for to sweep away loving traces in the sand 
gifted by the waning seaside ballet …

© 2013 ... Harlon Rivers ... all rights reserved

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