Word Whispereer

Sunday, January 15, 2017



There was a rogue wind come up like a sneaker wave
from a direction never known by other prevailing winds

A darkness that floods in to storm with a wholly rage
purging a deep sea of blackness and shadow

Incoming tide from deepest oceans black with light
suffusing the bright arising fountainhead upheaval
with a total metamorphosis  in the convergence

A sky of memory, a fiery light and sorrow
coalescing torrents into cleansing verses 

and worthy life ,  deluging the sands and broken hills
beyond   the   great   sodden   shoreline

Broken off pieces of sand washed sky diamonds
and stardust memories, flowing together
in  the  arising  seas ;

accumulations swim and swirl,
conjoining the lingering union 

left  behind  the  surge
in the tide-pool fusion

A starfish peacefully tarrying 

in the saline confluence let be ―

Hope’s sown seeds of heaven’s light


© Harlon Rivers... December 21. 2016


Saturday, January 7, 2017

Where is the Strength to be Strong ?

Where is the strength to be strong?

For strength is not a passing season;
it does not come and go lightly,
by and by

The true nature of stalwart love is unconditional ,..
an enduring friendship , in and of itself ,

 cannot pass alone ―

Strength knows not colour
nor measure of dark or light
The creed of its roots ;
the plea of its strife,
within misery becomes belief

Yet is the sorrow felt a contradiction?
Our own vision's
day by day devise
to bear diminishing life?

Where is the strength to be strong?

The doubt in faith that ebbs and flows;
lost in gravity of deepest oceans'
blackened push and pull?
No matter the despair embraced
that which makes the broken feel whole

Where is the spirit to be strong?
The verve that emboldens strength?

A Life driven by a Will to BE ― is 

Manifesting transformation ,..

Rise up the hidden fountain springs within
where all waters begin

Sturdy strength ― Resilient and strong
" Never enough " belies love’s urgent calling

" Never enough " is of enslaving device
a fleeting moment
ne'r  a candle burnt out

The Will to BE
  is always enough!
    to BE ―

© Harlon Rivers ... 1. 06. 2017

note: written for a struggling friend, 
and for anyone who can relate to the side affects 
of life's waning wintertide ...