Word Whispereer

Thursday, November 3, 2016

A word sayer’s silent prayer

May the dust in the wind 
carry my soul, unspoken 
Beyond earthly realms 
Beyond distant horizons
The weight of unspoken
words released unsaid
Solacing the ether wind

Sown about the heaven’s 
fallow stardust 
Where the gravity 
of muted words 
rises up freely 
like dandelion wishes;
blown away,
cast out from silenced 
wish infested lips

To thrive 
and bare fruit 
To strive against
ill fated darkness
yet behold
a bestowed courage 
to accept life's
unplanned reapings

Plentifully bestrewn 
love deep as heart 
of soul's marrow,
uplifted far beyond 
the rusty garden gate;

Deep beyond 
To a place that 
knows not 
enslaving bounds
A place between 
the silence 
and the peace
a nascent awakening dawn ---

for those that gave ..., thank you for the given...
Harlon Rivers ... a simple word sayer

Note to Self:  Understand that everything is not meant to be understood.

You can be more than people say you are ―

Live, let go and don’t worry about what you can’t change---

i never had visions of grandeur of being a poet
    so befalls the destiny of a simple word sayer- - -

circle complete

bear hugs to those who care/cared ((((((((((()))))))))))))

...all we are is dust in the wind - - -