She scars saw me coming
and then, she called me
by my name
and ran from the whimsy
Wild apple mint bouquet
sniffing perfumed whiff
hide & seek drifting traces
sweet-pea blossoms in her hair
Pluckin’ huckleberry kisses
steal away the bluebirds high
laments shall come to pass
dreamin’ on a summer’s day
Wild mountain mulberry heather
a breeze softly waft the scent of she elixir
hazel wood secret hiding places
rockabye me baby …
The song she was hummin’
shush away honeybees fly
hushabye purple heather’s pillow
cool apple mint sensual touches satisfy
naked misbehaving in dreams,
sighs sublime...
harlon rivers
Written: August . 2013 ...New Moon 28 day(s) old ...
.something light for the new moon light
This lil 'real & rustic' folksy ditty was spawned
in a spontaneous feel good moment
a couple a sips a white lightning & a few days ago,
tryin' to meld and recast a one trick pony
(that be me [aka hella too serious}) take a breath less serious,
pokin' at this daydreamer and hoping for the winds of change.
The one in this mirror goin' on believin' in pipe-dreams
come true & nothin' is inevitable
and wishin' on tossed coins a hundred for a dollar...
The fool on a hill was too uptight to set he whimsy fly free
and now, once and for all, hence forth free to be...
silly 'ol word whisperer ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
an so...
she was running from me in a dream
we touched souls
If we've climbed and never reached the top
If we've looked for and never found…
it does not mean it does not exists
There was a change in the atmosphere this dawn...
marine air drifted in from the coast
and cleansed the dust from the air...
leaving a refreshing taste in each new breath
all nature sighs with ann invigorating relief
from this cleansing, too deep for words (!)
sometimes raw happens & Jimmie crack corn
no wonder she always runs away in dreams...
restless rivers flow